Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh hey, again. Two blog posts in like 2 weeks. Alert the media, folks. I may be back for real.

Then again, when has that ever been true? Aaaaanyway, it's been spring break. I had high hopes, like legit high hopes of researching the crap out of some term papers and even writing the suckers. Well, I did some minor research/reading, and I think I have a clearly defined paper focus, but that's about it. Although, I haven't given up on making more progress. SEVEN weeks left in the semester. Grad school, I have nothing to say to you. You've been real. You've been fun. You haven't been real fun. Gee, that was original.

I think I start failing at blogging regularly when I feel like I'm being forced to write. So, an experiment: short, sweet, raw. Unedited? Unlikely. But the first three.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shut up. I know what you are thinking. Well, I imagine you are wondering why I'm writing a blog in something that has been dead for nearly a year. Well, 9 months. Yes, I just counted on my fingers how long it had been. Nine months. You can grow a child in that amount of time. Gross. And no, that's not what I've been doing during my blog hiatus. Again. GROSS.

I'm set to graduate in May with my MPA. Master of Public Administration. What is that, you ask? Well, good question. I don't quite know either. Policy, finances, management, government good, efficiency good, blah blah blah. Maybe this is why job offers are not flying at me at 100mph. In the meantime, I've been trying to keep my head above water as I finish up my final 9 hours. And take comps. And job hunt. And keep my sanity. And eat paleo food. And crossfit and teach my group fitness classes and watch every aired episode of The Hills and try to touch base with society every once in a while. Whew I'm tired.

Really, it is tiring. Straight up tiring. I am doing quite well though, depending on who you ask. If you ask my GA peeps, I am still antisocial, yet unusually motivated this semester. If you ask my crossfit buddies, I am still antisocial, work out at weird times, and NOT DOING THE OPEN. That is a blog for another day. If you ask my fam, I am the same. But mostly, I am taking one day at a time and planning generally and hoping for the best. That is the only way to do it.

Sooo. Not to overwhelm with too much info at once. Things that bring me joy that I've discovered since last posting:
  • PaleOMG --
  • Enjoy Life chocolate chips -- see above bullet
  • Smash
  • Homemade pesto
  • Coconut butter
Let's just stop there because all of these things are food. Except Smash. Hmmm. Time to reevaluate life. That was a joke. I will not give up my food obsessions.