Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who could love someone named Beezus?

Jesus. That's who.

I am currently semi-obsessed with the movie, Ramona and Beezus. I was stoked about it the very idea of it when I first saw the previews, but I never made it to the theater. Life and other happenings got in the way. But my schedule has cleared out lately, and while I am still sort of busy, I also make room to rent stacks of DVDs and plant my brain-dead body on the couch. Ramona and Beezus, Waiting for Superman, The Social Network, The Kids are All Right, and Easy A all made the list, and I must say, I picked some winners. Hilarity, emotion, and some hella witty writing all make me so happy.

So yes, the semester is over. Year number one is in fact over. I escaped with straight A's, and I am happy as bird with a french fry. This time next year I will be embarking on a whole new chapter of my life. At this time, I don't know exactly what that means, but it is exciting. However, anyone that knows me at all knows that once I get something, I no longer want it. This is my biggest admitted flaw. I blame my perfectionist attitude. It's exhausting really. I need therapy. Or a life coach. Except I already have one of those. (Hi, life coach.)

That is all for now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I write a better blog than a research proposal.

Last weekend I bought a road bike. She is a thing of beauty, no doubt about it. And she is built for speed. Well, as much speed as she will be getting from these legs. I love her. Although, I do sort of regret purchasing a new ride smack dab at the end of the semester. Last week was horrendous for me. I cried once. And ate countless calories of junk food. Because it is a suggested fact of life that M&Ms and egg rolls help those academic juices flow. I could write a thesis on that hypothesis.

I took my epidemiology final today. Two hours of using my brain to try to figure out if my professor was trying to trick me or not. I swear. If I were a professor, I would not be THAT kind of professor. It is mean and useless, and the people that would get an A are still going to get an A. It just takes longer. So now I have one left. A take-home final and then I will be finished. Until I start my internship and summer school. Grad school is no joke.

I saw on Bravo that they were hosting a Tweet battle to determine if Bethenny was taking on too much. I think sometimes I should ask myself that same question.

The other Tweet battle asked if the Brunettes or Blondes were in the right on Real Housewives of NYC. This is the census work of reality television here, people.

Anyway, I tweaked my back on Saturday trying to be a BAMF. Not so smart. The WOD was the Lumberjack 20. That is WOD-speak for heavy and horrible. I need to remember to keep things in perspective. Just because I CAN pick up a 185 bar 20 times and swing around a 55lb KB like a crazy person doesn't necessarily mean I should. Well, I still want to. It's the whole opportunity-cost benefit analysis thing that says I shouldn't. And the fact that I have been BATHING in Biofreeze the past few days.

Oh, and I am committing to the Omaha marathon in September. I am semi-excited about this, and I really don't want to flake out like I have the past 2 races I've registered for. Wait. 3 races. STL, KC, and Houston marathons. Whoops. Well, this will be my year, peeps. I will have some fun runner friends by my side, at least until they leave me in the dust.

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes. Hey o.