Friday, July 23, 2010

He's a little bit "extra."

I've been watching this season of The Real World. Set in Nawlins, it's a pretty hilarious group so far. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed of my love of trashy reality television, but seriously, if it's wrong, I don't want to be right. I love it. The drama, the profanity, the self-destruction. Hmm. What a lovely picture that paints of me.

Anyway, I'm drawn to two characters this season. Ashlee, the gorgeous college basketball player who seemingly has her head screwed on pretty straight. And Ryan, the homophobic hair stylist who blow dries his body while laying in bed. Ryan is the guy you love to hate. He has some serious issues, but for some reason, I find him absolutely hilarious. The blow drying for instance. Who does that? As Jemmye notes, "he's what we refer to as 'extra.'"

I'm now getting ready to go hit up the advanced CrossFit wod today. I've never gone to the advanced wod, mostly because the very idea scares the living crap out of me. But this one is off-site, set at the MSU track. Rumor has it that we're going to endure the sandbag stadium wod from the recent CrossFit Games. We'll see. I'm decked out in some Lululemon shorts, and if that doesn't get me fired up and raring to go, I don't know what else will. My body is completely wrecked from this week, but there's no way I'm missing this. Not to mention the fact that I have to be seen in a bikini tomorrow.

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