I'm pretty sure this happens when you've changed career paths so many times it makes your head spin to think about it. It's the stopping and starting that's so jarring. I had a pretty good chat with my mom today about where I expect to be in a year or two, and I admit, I really like dreaming about what's next. I know I want to work. I'm a career-oriented chick, and that is what's important to me, at least at this stage in my life. I could end up in any array of cities, or right here in Springfield. Doing who knows what. God willing, I am doing something. I will die if I have an MPA and no job. You think I'm kidding. I'm so not.
But that's enough introspection. I don't like it. It bums me out. I'm almost done Christmas shopping. I have a clean apartment. I have a completed stats research project. Now what? I think I'll go run.
I've decided that I need to come up with a project for the 3 weeks I'll be on Christmas break. I cannot be left to mull around and eat holiday treats. Good Lord. Right now I'm thinking it'll include leisure reading (hello, Salinger!), choreography cramming (hello, RPM!), and self-inflicted happiness rays (hello, tanning bed!).
I can't wait.
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