Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You know what they say.

They say you shouldn't wish your life away. But getting through the past few weeks would have been so much easier via a little time travel to the future. I've finally hit a point where I can breathe for more than 2 seconds without feeling guilty for not working, but these are also the points in which you have to keep on trucking or you find yourself back in the same exact spot of wishful desperation.

They also say too much caffeine is bad for you, but I'm in no position to give up my insane consumption.

They say you should think of others before yourself. I think this is a good general rule of thumb, but I also think that there are situations that warrant selfishness. If you don't, you end up getting run over and really, I'm not certain people fully appreciate sacrifices that are made anyway. At least not to the extent that you want them to.

Or maybe I am too cynical-slash-selfish-slash-judgmental to abide by the general rules. Always a possibility.

Regardless of what we're supposed to do or don't do, here's to a positive outlook this week. Cheers!

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