I cannot wait for this movie to come out. Love love love Julia Roberts, but I also love just the premise of EPL. Would the world not be a better place if we all were afforded the luxury of taking a year to regroup and re-evaluate our lives? I think so.
I went to dinner at Touch last night to celebrate my friend's 27 years of living on this planet. For some reason that sounds way fancier than a birthday. Or just weirder. I had the most amazing food I think I've ever put in my mouth. Bacon-wrapped dates, house muffins, fish cakes, lobster risotto, and flourless chocolate cake. Shut the front door. I felt like I was on an episode of "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and it was absolutely heavenly. There are other things I could say, but they are not all that appropriate for a blog. Or for mixed company. Or perhaps ever. But I am thinking them. I would eat that food every day and not even care if I weighed 500 pounds. As long as bacon-wrapped dates with goat cheese are in my life, I want for nothing else.
Except maybe to win the lottery so I can afford to eat my beloved dates.
In one hour, I am going to go attempt to pick up the most weight I have ever lifted. It's 1RM (one rep max) deadlift day at CrossFit Springfield. I feel a PR on the horizon. It's a-comin'.
oooooh the dates.... mmmmmmmm. I want the dates.