Thursday, August 12, 2010

I feel God in this Chili's.

I'm slowly making my way through The Office again. I don't know why I don't do this more frequently, because I'm seriously busting a gut laughing. I just finished one of my favorite episodes EVER. The Dundies. I actually happen to have my very own Dundie award that a friend gave me for Christmas a few years ago. Dundie. Even the word makes me laugh.


Michael Scott still just hits a little too close to home for me though. Thank you, former jackhole boss of mine who I will continue to hate until the day I die.

In even more couch potato news, my DC Housewives are on tonight. I was amused by last week's premiere, and I'm anxious to see how it all blows up. Early likability goes to Mary and Stacie. On the fence about Lynda. The other two I have no strong feelings either way, although I AM a sucker for an accent. Hello, Caht. I'm also pretty sure Michaele will fly off the deep end so that'll be entertaining. But I don't think they'll replace the NYC gals in my heart. Doy.

Speaking of new friends, I'd like to introduce my pal, Paleo. There's a 6-week CrossFit Paleo challenge starting soon, and I think I'm gonna do it. In a nutshell, it's meat, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. The hunter-gatherer paleolithic diet. No dairy, grains, beans, anything like that. In all honesty, I eat pretty Paleo as it is. I'd just have to give up my oatmeal breakfast. And my cheats. And my booze. Hmm. I'm not gonna stress over it though. If I deviate from Paleo, so be it. But everyone's doing it, so I'll jump the bandwagon. I am easily swayed.

That said, I will take bets on how long I'll embrace my inner cavewoman. I wonder if I get a dinosaur.

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