What a weekend. The Heart of America CrossFit Affiliate Challenge came and went. I knew going into it that it would be memorable, exhausting, and amazing. But I think I underestimated how rejuvenated and inspired I would walk away from it all. Yes, it was physically some of the hardest stuff I've ever had to do. But more than that, I saw pure grit and determination from not only my teammates and myself, but from every single athlete out there competing, especially my comrades from CrossFit Springfield. It is that drive, that will to finish what you came out to do, and to lay it all on the line that is the very essence of CrossFit. That is so much of what I love. I have done things that I never thought possible, that I would never have dreamed I could do. And I have met so many amazing life-changing people because of it. It isn't about how much weight you lift or how fast you move, but it is about channeling what is deep inside a person that is so admirable and amazing to me. I strive every day to be half as inspiring as some of the people I saw this weekend.
That would be totally sappy if I weren't talking about some of the most bad-a people around. Seriously. How many people can push and pull a prowler sled, load up a crap ton of weight in a wheelbarrow and push it, and then do a buddy carry? Buddy carry. I kid you not. But it's all over. And now we look to next year.
Until then, I'll be chewing Advil and bathing in Biofreeze.
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