**Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 KB swings 55/35lb
20 steps walking OH lunges, 45/25lb
**At the top of minutes 0-9, perform 3 snatches 115/75lb
**At the top of minutes 10-19, perform 5 burpee deadlifts
I used a 65lb bar and was having a grand old time (read: wanted to curl up and die) until minute 16 when I dropped the weight on my shin. Holy mother of all, it hurt. I'm pretty sure the bar just rolled down my shinbone, because I now have a 5-inch streak running down the tibia. I tried to finish the last 4 minutes of the WOD, but I couldn't even move my leg. So I hobbled over to the freezer and got ice and laid on the couch.
A DNF on my first WOD of the year. Pretty much that's how I roll.
Today I decided to prep for the OFC launches by riding RPM 49, which we will unleash at the end of the month. Physically demanding does not even begin to describe that 45-minute sweat fest. I felt sick.
Actually I still feel sick. Huh.
Being healthy is a lot of work. I enjoy it 95.6% of the time. But sometimes I just want the cake. Then I remember why I do it. How it makes me feel awesome and rejuvenated. And sometimes I still eat the cake.
That is also how I roll.
I've been thinking about some CrossFit goals for the new year. In 2010, I mastered ring dips, handstand push ups, chest-to-bar pull ups, and consecutive double unders. For Twenty Eleven, I'm thinking overall mental strength...aaaand muscle ups. There I said it. Muscle ups.
So those are the CF goals. The other stuff I'll have to keep thinking on. So stay tuned, peeps. I'm out.
Hurray for you and fitness!!! But: I have a request (do you take requests for posts?). For your faithful readers, you should tell us all about jury duty (I got on facebook yesterday, so I could say, "There, I got on facebook in 2011, so now I'm good for a year," and now I'm craving jury duty news!