This isn't going to be a terribly emotional post. For one, I am not naturally that way. And for two, Nathan wouldn't have wanted it that way either, which is the most important reason.
We had an interesting friendship. We lived in the same dorm in college. We took existential philosophy together. We skipped an entire week of our sophomore year along with another friend to embark on a road trip to New Mexico. We pierced our eyebrows at the same time. It is those things that I will most remember.
I told him I was going to drag him to CrossFit when he was better, because anyone that could kick cancer in the face was a prime candidate to fight through a WOD.
If you would send thoughts and prayers to his wife and my good friend, Renee, it would be awesome.
Cherish life, peeps. And I'll see you later, Nathan.
I'm so sorry, Amber. My prayers are with Nathan's wife, you, and all of his loved ones.
I'm so very sorry, Amber. Sounds like he was a great guy.