Friday, June 10, 2011

Public Servanthood

Lately, I've been trying to decode the mystery of my draw to the "become-so-busy-you-want-to-kill-yourself" way of living. Unlike the average person, I believe myself to thrive in these types of situations, and with that comes the God-given rights to gripe and vent to whomever will listen. There are a multitude of problems that occur when a person does this to him or herself, but they really don't manifest until the last blasted bit of rope has been pulled apart and destruction is, therefore, inevitable. The real problem with these types of people is that they never learn how to do less. They just kid themselves into thinking that this will be the time they finally are able to flawlessly pull off an overloaded schedule. Which seamlessly brings me to June 2011.

I've dipped my toes into my summer internship (er, in-service training in public administration), and it actually looks to be pretty exciting. Officially, I'll be working in HR attempting to do some benchmarking studies to improve the current Greene County compensation scale. I preface that with "officially," because who the heck knows if that's really what I'll actually accomplish. So if you're driving around Government Plaza, wave in my general direction. I'll be putting in 32-ish hours a week, housed for now in the building where the County Commissioner lives and breathes.

So there is one snippet of my summer. Tune in next week for Part 2 of my series, "Dreaming Big While Not Actually Dreaming At All."


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