- I'm surviving work. 60 hours down, 240 to go.
- I'm surviving school. 2 weeks down, 6 to go.
- ...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A Decade
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What's in a day?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Public Servanthood
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Who could love someone named Beezus?
Monday, May 9, 2011
I write a better blog than a research proposal.

Monday, April 25, 2011
I’ve got to get out of the habit of posting so intermittently. Really only because it places too much doggone hype on my biweekly post. But it is what it is. And here is what my blog is not—obligatory snorefest posting. Ta da!
I’ve been watching the Today Show. Nothing new there. I’ve watched that show for a long time now. But I’ve been watching the interviews with decidedly more interest as I look at how the interviewees respond to Matt or Meredith or Ann. If I make it big in some way that permits me to be on national television, I am going to remember these things that I have learned.
- Try on my outfit before I go on air. Nothing earth shattering there. But important all the same.
- Get on a first name basis with the big guys/gals, even though I likely have no real authority to do so. This must be performed in an unpretentious way that wafts of confidence but not egoism. “Why thank you, Matt. I too believe that this is but a small, but monumental step for future generations.”
- Use words such as “future” or “generations” to appear socially conscious and eco-hip. But only once. Twice tops. See Rule 4.
- Accept that I am 26 and need to act my age.
“Wow, Matt. I never realized how much analyzing perfect strangers on national television was really setting me up for a backlash of bad karma when I finally hit it big.”
I’m tired. The semester is winding down, which means my workload is piling up. I am stressed so I am grabbing extra workouts to decompress. Which means I’m energized. Then exhausted.
Throw a girl a candy egg.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I'm baaacck!!!

- I've kept all my A's this semester. 4 more weeks to go.
- I have committed RPM 50 and ATTACK 72 to memory and am ready to rock starting tomorrow.
- I PR'ed on clean and jerk at 125lb. What a happy day.
- I ran a marathon relay with 3 studs. We came in at 4:01:37 despite fighting heat and other, um, elements.
- I turned 26.
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You know what they say.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
What the heck is a sham?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
This is my Vogue.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Old Chicago

Friday, February 25, 2011
Dream big, Juno.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Noncommitment Girl

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thoughts on Presidents' Day Weekend
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I’ll take impossibly hard Canadian provinces for $500, Alex.

What a buzz kill. That test was ridiculous. I didn’t imagine it would be a walk in the park by any means, but what I experienced was more akin to a gang beating in the park. I’m pretty sure I only knew about 20% of the answers. 15 seconds to read and type a response before the next one appears on the screen. It’s rapid fire. You hesitate, you lose.
I’ll be notified of my score regardless of if I pass or not. I’m not hopeful. My only consolation is that I will never have to appear as socially awkward as the contestants that actually make it onto the show. At least not televised.
But registration is still open and you can take the test tonight or tomorrow...visit here.
Let’s now talk about how this weather is quick becoming a pain in my side.
Hmm. That’s pretty much all I got on that front.
Let’s talk about how obsessed I am with the Glee cast cover of “Bills, Bills, Bills.” Seriously. I have it on repeat.
And finally, let's talk about how excited I am for my Program Evaluation class tonight. Totally stoked. There are only 4,572 things I'd rather be doing. Approximately.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011
You win some, you lose some.

Exhibit A: CrossFit. I owned some double unders on Tuesday. Wednesday, I failed at Fran.* Thursday, I push jerked 115lb for a 3 rep max. I'm scared to go today.
But things have been frustrating so far. I was set to tape my assessment video for RPM, one of the classes I teach at Ozark Fitness. My plan was to tape my 10:15 class this morning. Well...that was thwarted as cooperation between myself and the DVD recorder blew up in a huge fail of a project.
Am I surprised? Hell to the no. It's just frustrating is all. But it is what it is.
I think I am mostly saddest about the celebration I was going to throw myself after I dropped the vid in the mail. It was going to either involve Lululemon or moon pies. Or both. Yowza.
*If a 2:30 add-on to a previous PR doesn't qualify as a Fran fail, I don't know what does.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Eat or get eaten.

Friday, January 21, 2011
In life, I choose Lulu.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Big-headed trombone players

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Case of the Missing Keys
- Freak out and shut down re: Spring 2011
- Lock my keys in my car
- Miss my beloved CrossFit WOD
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I said never again. But here we are.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Game On
**Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 KB swings 55/35lb
**At the top of minutes 0-9, perform 3 snatches 115/75lb
A DNF on my first WOD of the year. Pretty much that's how I roll.
Today I decided to prep for the OFC launches by riding RPM 49, which we will unleash at the end of the month. Physically demanding does not even begin to describe that 45-minute sweat fest. I felt sick.
Actually I still feel sick. Huh.
Being healthy is a lot of work. I enjoy it 95.6% of the time. But sometimes I just want the cake. Then I remember why I do it. How it makes me feel awesome and rejuvenated. And sometimes I still eat the cake.
That is also how I roll.
I've been thinking about some CrossFit goals for the new year. In 2010, I mastered ring dips, handstand push ups, chest-to-bar pull ups, and consecutive double unders. For Twenty Eleven, I'm thinking overall mental strength...aaaand muscle ups. There I said it. Muscle ups.
So those are the CF goals. The other stuff I'll have to keep thinking on. So stay tuned, peeps. I'm out.